$wrapper $wrapper : boolean Flag if handler wraps an internal PHP session handler (using \SessionHandler). Type boolean
getSaveHandlerName() getSaveHandlerName() : string Gets the session.save_handler name. Returns string
isSessionHandlerInterface() isSessionHandlerInterface() : boolean Is this proxy handler and instance of \SessionHandlerInterface. Returns boolean
isWrapper() isWrapper() : boolean Returns true if this handler wraps an internal PHP session save handler using \SessionHandler. Returns boolean
setName() setName(string $name) Sets the session name. Parameters string $name Throws \LogicException
__construct() __construct(\SessionHandlerInterface $handler) Parameters \SessionHandlerInterface $handler
validateId() validateId( $sessionId) : boolean Checks if a session identifier already exists or not. Parameters $sessionId Returns boolean
updateTimestamp() updateTimestamp( $sessionId, $data) : boolean Updates the timestamp of a session when its data didn't change. Parameters $sessionId $data Returns boolean