

ResourceIteratorFactoryInterface Factory for creating {@see ResourceIteratorInterface} objects
ResourceIteratorInterface Iterates over a paginated resource using subsequent requests in order to retrieve the entire matching result set


AbstractResourceIteratorFactory Abstract resource iterator factory implementation
CompositeResourceIteratorFactory Factory that utilizes multiple factories for creating iterators
MapResourceIteratorFactory Resource iterator factory used when explicitly mapping strings to iterator classes
Model Default model created when commands create service description model responses
ResourceIterator Class that holds an event dispatcher
ResourceIteratorApplyBatched Apply a callback to the contents of a {@see ResourceIteratorInterface}
ResourceIteratorClassFactory Factory for creating {@see ResourceIteratorInterface} objects using a convention of storing iterator classes under a root namespace using the name of a {@see CommandInterface} object as a convention for determining the name of an iterator class. The command name is converted to CamelCase and Iterator is appended (e.g. abc_foo => AbcFoo).