BODY_AS_STRING = 'body_as_string'
Immutable wrapper for a cURL handle
$options : \Guzzle\Common\Collection
factory(\Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request) : \Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlHandle
Factory method to create a new curl handle based on an HTTP request.
There are some helpful options you can set to enable specific behavior:
\Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface | $request | Request |
__construct(resource $handle, \Guzzle\Common\Collection|array $options)
Construct a new CurlHandle object that wraps a cURL handle
resource | $handle | Configured cURL handle resource |
\Guzzle\Common\Collection|array | $options | Curl options to use with the handle |
setErrorNo(integer $error) : \Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlHandle
Set the curl error number
integer | $error | Error number to set |
getUrl() : \Guzzle\Http\Url
Get the URL that this handle is connecting to
getOptions() : \Guzzle\Common\Collection
Get the cURL setopt options of the handle. Changing values in the return object will have no effect on the curl handle after it is created.
updateRequestFromTransfer(\Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request)
Update a request based on the log messages of the CurlHandle
\Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface | $request | Request to update |
parseCurlConfig(array|\Guzzle\Common\Collection $config) : array
Parse the config and replace curl.* configurators into the constant based values so it can be used elsewhere
array|\Guzzle\Common\Collection | $config | The configuration we want to parse |