AbstractEntityBodyDecorator |
Abstract decorator used to wrap entity bodies |
CachingEntityBody |
EntityBody decorator that can cache previously read bytes from a sequentially read tstream |
Client |
HTTP client |
EntityBody |
Entity body used with an HTTP request or response |
IoEmittingEntityBody |
EntityBody decorator that emits events for read and write methods |
Mimetypes |
Provides mappings of file extensions to mimetypes |
QueryString |
Query string object to handle managing query string parameters and aggregating those parameters together as a string. |
ReadLimitEntityBody |
EntityBody decorator used to return only a subset of an entity body |
RedirectPlugin |
Plugin to implement HTTP redirects. Can redirect like a web browser or using strict RFC 2616 compliance |
StaticClient |
Simplified interface to Guzzle that does not require a class to be instantiated |
Url |
Parses and generates URLs based on URL parts. In favor of performance, URL parts are not validated. |