



ClientInterface Client interface for send HTTP requests
EntityBodyInterface Entity body used with an HTTP request or response


AbstractEntityBodyDecorator Abstract decorator used to wrap entity bodies
CachingEntityBody EntityBody decorator that can cache previously read bytes from a sequentially read tstream
Client HTTP client
EntityBody Entity body used with an HTTP request or response
IoEmittingEntityBody EntityBody decorator that emits events for read and write methods
Mimetypes Provides mappings of file extensions to mimetypes
QueryString Query string object to handle managing query string parameters and aggregating those parameters together as a string.
ReadLimitEntityBody EntityBody decorator used to return only a subset of an entity body
RedirectPlugin Plugin to implement HTTP redirects. Can redirect like a web browser or using strict RFC 2616 compliance
StaticClient Simplified interface to Guzzle that does not require a class to be instantiated
Url Parses and generates URLs based on URL parts. In favor of performance, URL parts are not validated.