$point1 : array
X,Y pos 1.
Class Line
$color : \Grafika\Color
__construct(array $point1, array $point2, integer $thickness = 1, \Grafika\Color|string $color = '#000000')
Creates a line.
array | $point1 | Array containing int X and int Y position of the starting point. |
array | $point2 | Array containing int X and int Y position of the starting point. |
integer | $thickness | Thickness in pixel. Note: This is currently ignored in GD editor and falls back to 1. |
\Grafika\Color|string | $color | Color of the line. Defaults to black. |
getColor() : \Grafika\Color
draw(\Grafika\Gd\Image $image) : \Grafika\Gd\Image
\Grafika\Gd\Image | $image |