

BackoffStrategyInterface Strategy to determine if a request should be retried and how long to delay between retries


AbstractBackoffStrategy Abstract backoff strategy that allows for a chain of responsibility
AbstractErrorCodeBackoffStrategy Strategy used to retry when certain error codes are encountered
BackoffLogger Logs backoff retries triggered from the BackoffPlugin
BackoffPlugin Plugin to automatically retry failed HTTP requests using a backoff strategy
CallbackBackoffStrategy Strategy that will invoke a closure to determine whether or not to retry with a delay
ConstantBackoffStrategy Will retry the request using the same amount of delay for each retry.
CurlBackoffStrategy Strategy used to retry when certain cURL error codes are encountered.
ExponentialBackoffStrategy Implements an exponential backoff retry strategy.
HttpBackoffStrategy Strategy used to retry HTTP requests based on the response code.
LinearBackoffStrategy Implements a linear backoff retry strategy.
ReasonPhraseBackoffStrategy Strategy used to retry HTTP requests when the response's reason phrase matches one of the registered phrases.
TruncatedBackoffStrategy Strategy that will not retry more than a certain number of times.