BackoffStrategyInterface | Strategy to determine if a request should be retried and how long to delay between retries |
AbstractBackoffStrategy | Abstract backoff strategy that allows for a chain of responsibility |
AbstractErrorCodeBackoffStrategy | Strategy used to retry when certain error codes are encountered |
BackoffLogger | Logs backoff retries triggered from the BackoffPlugin |
BackoffPlugin | Plugin to automatically retry failed HTTP requests using a backoff strategy |
CallbackBackoffStrategy | Strategy that will invoke a closure to determine whether or not to retry with a delay |
ConstantBackoffStrategy | Will retry the request using the same amount of delay for each retry. |
CurlBackoffStrategy | Strategy used to retry when certain cURL error codes are encountered. |
ExponentialBackoffStrategy | Implements an exponential backoff retry strategy. |
HttpBackoffStrategy | Strategy used to retry HTTP requests based on the response code. |
LinearBackoffStrategy | Implements a linear backoff retry strategy. |
ReasonPhraseBackoffStrategy | Strategy used to retry HTTP requests when the response's reason phrase matches one of the registered phrases. |
TruncatedBackoffStrategy | Strategy that will not retry more than a certain number of times. |