DEFAULT_COMMAND_CLASS = 'Guzzle\\Service\\Command\\OperationCommand' : string
Data object holding the information of an API command
$additionalParameters : \Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter
$description : \Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface
__construct(array $config = array(), \Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface $description = null)
Builds an Operation object using an array of configuration data: - name: (string) Name of the command - httpMethod: (string) HTTP method of the operation - uri: (string) URI template that can create a relative or absolute URL - class: (string) Concrete class that implements this command - parameters: (array) Associative array of parameters for the command. {@see Parameter} for information.
array | $config | Array of configuration data |
\Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface | $description | Service description used to resolve models if $ref tags are found |
getServiceDescription() : \Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface|null
Get the service description that the operation belongs to
setServiceDescription(\Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface $description) : self
Set the service description that the operation belongs to
\Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface | $description | Service description |
getParam(string $param) : \Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter|null
Get a single parameter of the operation
string | $param | Parameter to retrieve by name |
addParam(\Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter $param) : self
Add a parameter to the command
\Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter | $param | Parameter to add |
getResponseClass() : string|null
Get what is returned from the method. Can be a primitive, class name, or model. For example, the responseClass could be 'array', which would inherently use a responseType of 'primitive'. Using a class name would set a responseType of 'class'. Specifying a model by ID will use a responseType of 'model'.
addErrorResponse(string $code, string $reason, string $class) : self
Add an error to the command
string | $code | HTTP response code |
string | $reason | HTTP response reason phrase or information about the error |
string | $class | Exception class associated with the error |
getAdditionalParameters() : \Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter|null
Get the additionalParameters of the operation
setAdditionalParameters(\Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter|null $parameter) : self
Set the additionalParameters of the operation
\Guzzle\Service\Description\Parameter|null | $parameter | Parameter to set |