ACTION_NAME = self::route_a()
application |
Composer |
ticky |
AlipayDataDataserviceBillDownloadurlQueryRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradeCloseContentBuilder | |
AlipayTradeCloseRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradeFastpayRefundQueryRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradePagePayContentBuilder | |
AlipayTradePagePayRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradeQueryRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradeRefundContentBuilder | |
AlipayTradeRefundRequest | ALIPAY API: request |
AlipayTradeService | |
AopClient | |
ComposerAutoloaderInit30f134d1f77d6850c0259a142c1864c4 | |
content_form | |
form | |
notify | 支付宝异步支付回调处理类 |
pagepay | 支付宝电脑网站支付(扫码支付或账号支付) |
qqapi | qqapi.class.php QQ接口Api,用于以QQ登录网站 |
refund | 支付宝统一收单交易退款接口 |
returnpay | 支付宝跳转同步通知 |
SignData | Created by PhpStorm. |
Smarty | This is the main Smarty class |
Smarty_Autoloader | Smarty Autoloader |
Smarty_CacheResource | Cache Handler API |
Smarty_CacheResource_Apc | APC CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the KeyValueStore API to use memcache as the storage resource for Smarty's output caching. |
Smarty_CacheResource_Custom | Cache Handler API |
Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore | Smarty Cache Handler Base for Key/Value Storage Implementations This class implements the functionality required to use simple key/value stores for hierarchical cache groups. key/value stores like memcache or APC do not support wildcards in keys, therefore a cache group cannot be cleared like "a|*" - which is no problem to filesystem and RDBMS implementations. |
Smarty_CacheResource_Memcache | Memcache CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the KeyValueStore API to use memcache as the storage resource for Smarty's output caching. |
Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql | MySQL CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's output caching. |
Smarty_CacheResource_Pdo | PDO Cache Handler Allows you to store Smarty Cache files into your db. |
Smarty_CacheResource_Pdo_Gzip | PDO Cache Handler Allows you to store Smarty Cache files into your db. |
Smarty_Data | class for the Smarty data object The Smarty data object will hold Smarty variables in the current scope |
Smarty_Internal_Block | Smarty {block} tag class |
Smarty_Internal_CacheResource_File | This class does contain all necessary methods for the HTML cache on file system Implements the file system as resource for the HTML cache Version ussing nocache inserts. |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Append | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Append Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Assign | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Assign Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block_Child | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Parent Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block_Parent | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Parent Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Break | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Break Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Call | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function_Call Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Capture | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Capture Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_CaptureClose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Captureclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Config_Load | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Config Load Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Continue | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Continue Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Debug | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Debug Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Else | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Else Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Elseif | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile ElseIf Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Eval | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Eval Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Extends | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile extend Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_For | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile For Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Forclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreach | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreach Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachelse | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachelse Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forelse | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Forelse Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Function | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Functionclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Functionclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_If | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile If Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ifclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Ifclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Include Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include_Php | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Insert | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ldelim | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Ldelim Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Make_Nocache | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Make_Nocache Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocache | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Nocache Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocacheclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Nocacheclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Block_Plugin | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Plugin Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_ForeachSection | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile ForeachSection Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Function_Plugin | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function Plugin Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Modifier | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Modifier Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Block_Function | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Object Block Function Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Function | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Object Function Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Php | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile PHP Expression Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Print_Expression | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Print Expression Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Block | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Registered Block Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Function | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Registered Function Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Special_Variable | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile special Smarty Variable Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Rdelim | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Rdelim Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Section | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Section Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Sectionclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionelse | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Sectionelse Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilter | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Setfilter Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilterclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Setfilterclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Shared_Inheritance | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Shared Inheritance Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_While | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile While Class |
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Whileclose | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Whileclose Class |
Smarty_Internal_CompileBase | This class does extend all internal compile plugins |
Smarty_Internal_Config_File_Compiler | Main config file compiler class |
Smarty_Internal_Configfilelexer | Smarty_Internal_Configfilelexer |
Smarty_Internal_Configfileparser | Smarty Internal Plugin Configfileparse |
Smarty_Internal_Data | Base class with template and variable methods |
Smarty_Internal_Debug | Smarty Internal Plugin Debug Class |
Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler | Smarty Extension handler |
Smarty_Internal_Method_AddAutoloadFilters | Smarty Method AddAutoloadFilters |
Smarty_Internal_Method_AddDefaultModifiers | Smarty Method AddDefaultModifiers |
Smarty_Internal_Method_Append | Smarty Method Append |
Smarty_Internal_Method_AppendByRef | Smarty Method AppendByRef |
Smarty_Internal_Method_AssignByRef | Smarty Method AssignByRef |
Smarty_Internal_Method_AssignGlobal | Smarty Method AssignGlobal |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAllAssign | Smarty Method ClearAllAssign |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAllCache | Smarty Method ClearAllCache |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAssign | Smarty Method ClearAssign |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearCache | Smarty Method ClearCache |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearCompiledTemplate | Smarty Method ClearCompiledTemplate |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearConfig | Smarty Method ClearConfig |
Smarty_Internal_Method_CompileAllConfig | Smarty Method CompileAllConfig |
Smarty_Internal_Method_CompileAllTemplates | Smarty Method CompileAllTemplates |
Smarty_Internal_Method_ConfigLoad | Smarty Method ConfigLoad |
Smarty_Internal_Method_CreateData | Smarty Method CreateData |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetAutoloadFilters | Smarty Method GetAutoloadFilters |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetConfigVariable | Smarty Method GetConfigVariable |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetConfigVars | Smarty Method GetConfigVars |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetDebugTemplate | Smarty Method GetDebugTemplate |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetDefaultModifiers | Smarty Method GetDefaultModifiers |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetGlobal | Smarty Method GetGlobal |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetRegisteredObject | Smarty Method GetRegisteredObject |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetStreamVariable | Smarty Method GetStreamVariable |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetTags | Smarty Method GetTags |
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetTemplateVars | Smarty Method GetTemplateVars |
Smarty_Internal_Method_LoadFilter | Smarty Method LoadFilter |
Smarty_Internal_Method_LoadPlugin | Smarty Extension Loadplugin |
Smarty_Internal_Method_MustCompile | Smarty Method MustCompile |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterCacheResource | Smarty Method RegisterCacheResource |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterClass | Smarty Method RegisterClass |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultConfigHandler | Smarty Method RegisterDefaultConfigHandler |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultPluginHandler | Smarty Method RegisterDefaultPluginHandler |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultTemplateHandler | Smarty Method RegisterDefaultTemplateHandler |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterFilter | Smarty Method RegisterFilter |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterObject | Smarty Method RegisterObject |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterPlugin | Smarty Method RegisterPlugin |
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterResource | Smarty Method RegisterResource |
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetAutoloadFilters | Smarty Method SetAutoloadFilters |
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetDebugTemplate | Smarty Method SetDebugTemplate |
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetDefaultModifiers | Smarty Method SetDefaultModifiers |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnloadFilter | Smarty Method UnloadFilter |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterCacheResource | Smarty Method UnregisterCacheResource |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterFilter | Smarty Method UnregisterFilter |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterObject | Smarty Method UnregisterObject |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterPlugin | Smarty Method UnregisterPlugin |
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterResource | Smarty Method UnregisterResource |
Smarty_Internal_Nocache_Insert | Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree | |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Code | Code fragment inside a tag . |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Dq | Double quoted string inside a tag. |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_DqContent | Raw chars as part of a double quoted string. |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Tag | A complete smarty tag. |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template | Template element |
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Text | Smarty Internal Plugin Templateparser Parse Tree These are classes to build parse tree in the template parser |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Eval | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Eval Implements the strings as resource for Smarty template {@internal unlike string-resources the compiled state of eval-resources is NOT saved for subsequent access}} |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Extends | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Extends Implements the file system as resource for Smarty which {extend}s a chain of template files templates |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_File | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource File Implements the file system as resource for Smarty templates |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Php | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource PHP Implements the file system as resource for PHP templates |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Registered | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Registered Implements the registered resource for Smarty template |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Stream | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Stream Implements the streams as resource for Smarty template |
Smarty_Internal_Resource_String | Smarty Internal Plugin Resource String Implements the strings as resource for Smarty template {@internal unlike eval-resources the compiled state of string-resources is saved for subsequent access}} |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CacheModify | Inline Runtime Methods render, setSourceByUid, setupSubTemplate |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CacheResourceFile | Smarty Internal Runtime Cache Resource File Class |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Capture | Runtime Extension Capture |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CodeFrame | Class Smarty_Internal_Extension_CodeFrame Create code frame for compiled and cached templates |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_FilterHandler | Class for filter processing |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Foreach | Foreach Runtime Methods count(), init(), restore() |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_GetIncludePath | Smarty Internal Read Include Path Class |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance | Inheritance Runtime Methods processBlock, endChild, init |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Make_Nocache | {make_nocache} Runtime Methods save(), store() |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_TplFunction | TplFunction Runtime Methods callTemplateFunction |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateCache | Inline Runtime Methods render, setSourceByUid, setupSubTemplate |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateScope | Runtime Extension updateScope |
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_WriteFile | Smarty Internal Write File Class |
Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler | Class SmartyTemplateCompiler |
Smarty_Internal_Template | Main class with template data structures and methods |
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase | Class with shared smarty/template methods |
Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase | Main abstract compiler class |
Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer | Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer This is the template file lexer. |
Smarty_Internal_Templateparser | Smarty Template Parser Class |
Smarty_Internal_TestInstall | TestInstall class |
Smarty_Internal_Undefined | Smarty Internal Undefined |
Smarty_Resource | Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins |
Smarty_Resource_Custom | Smarty Resource Plugin Wrapper Implementation for custom resource plugins |
Smarty_Resource_Extendsall | Extends All Resource Resource Implementation modifying the extends-Resource to walk through the template_dirs and inherit all templates of the same name |
Smarty_Resource_Mysql | MySQL Resource Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs. |
Smarty_Resource_Mysqls | MySQL Resource Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs. |
Smarty_Resource_Recompiled | Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins that don't compile cache |
Smarty_Resource_Uncompiled | Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins that don't use the compiler |
Smarty_Security | This class does contain the security settings |
Smarty_Template_Cached | Smarty Resource Data Object Cache Data Container for Template Files |
Smarty_Template_Compiled | Smarty Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files |
Smarty_Template_Config | Smarty Config Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files |
Smarty_Template_Resource_Base | Smarty Template Resource Base Object |
Smarty_Template_Source | Smarty Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files |
Smarty_Undefined_Variable | class for undefined variable object This class defines an object for undefined variable handling |
Smarty_Variable | class for the Smarty variable object This class defines the Smarty variable object |
SmartyBC | Smarty Backward Compatibility Wrapper Class |
SmartyCompilerException | Smarty compiler exception class |
SmartyException | Smarty exception class |
TP_yyStackEntry | |
TP_yyToken | |
TPC_yyStackEntry | |
TPC_yyToken | |
Uploader | Created by JetBrains PhpStorm. |
package |
Smarty |
package |
Smarty |
package |
Default |
addPKCS7Padding(string $source) : string
string | $source |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
array2string(array $data, boolean $isformdata = 1) : string
array | $data | 数组 |
boolean | $isformdata | 如果为0,则不使用new_stripslashes处理,可选参数,默认为1 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
censor( $message, $modword = NULL, $return = FALSE) : \成功返回原始文本,否则提示错误或被替换
$message |
$modword | ||
$return |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
composerRequire30f134d1f77d6850c0259a142c1864c4( $fileIdentifier, $file)
$fileIdentifier | ||
$file |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
cutstr( $string, $length, $dot = '...') : \返回带省略号被裁减好的字符串
$string |
$length |
$dot |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
decrypt(string $str, $screct_key) : string
string | $str | |
$screct_key |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
delcache(string $name, $flush = false) : boolean
string | $name | 缓存名称 |
$flush | 是否清空所有缓存 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
encrypt(string $str, $screct_key) : string
string | $str | |
$screct_key |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
get_category(integer $catid = '', string $parameter = '') : array
integer | $catid | |
string | $parameter |
or string
package |
Default |
get_catname(integer $catid) : string
integer | $catid |
package |
Default |
get_childcat(integer $catid) : array
integer | $catid |
package |
Default |
get_config( $key = '') : array|string
$key | 键值,可为空,为空获取整个数组 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
get_groupinfo(integer $groupid = '') : array
integer | $groupid |
package |
Default |
get_groupname(integer $groupid) : string
integer | $groupid |
package |
Default |
get_ip_address( $ip = '', $type = null) : \所在位置
$ip | ||
$type |
package |
Default |
get_location(integer $catid, boolean $self = true, string $symbol = '') : string
integer | $catid | |
boolean | $self | 是否包含本身 0为不包含 |
string | $symbol | 栏目间隔符 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
get_modelinfo( $typeall) : array
$typeall | 0只包含内容模型,1全部模型 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
get_siteinfo(integer $siteid = '') : array
integer | $siteid |
package |
Default |
get_theme_list(string $m = 'home') : array
string | $m | 模块 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
grab_image(string $content, string $targeturl = '') : string
获取远程图片并把它保存到本地, 确定您有把文件写入本地服务器的权限
string | $content | 文章内容 |
string | $targeturl | 可选参数,对方网站的网址,防止对方网站的图片使用"/upload/1.jpg"这样的情况 |
$content 处理后的内容
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
is_badword(\char $string) : TRUE
\char | $string | 要检查的字符串名称 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
is_password(STRING $password) : TRUE
STRING | $password |
package |
Default |
is_username(STRING $username) : TRUE
STRING | $username | 要检查的用户名 |
package |
Default |
L(string|array $name = null, mixed $value = null) : mixed
string|array | $name | 语言变量 |
mixed | $value | 语言值或者变量 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
load_extend(string $path, string $m = '')
string | $path | 文件地址(包括文件全称) |
string | $m | 模块(如果模块名为空,则加载根目录下的common) |
package |
Default |
M( $classname) : object
用于实例化一个model对象 如:M('article');
$classname | model类名称 如 article.class.php,只传入article即可 |
package |
Default |
match_img(string $content) : string
string | $content | 内容 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
new_html_special_chars( $string) : mixed
$string |
package |
Default |
new_stripslashes( $string) : mixed
$string | 需要处理的字符串或数组 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
runlog( $file, $message, $halt) : boolean
$file | 日志文件 |
$message | 日志信息 |
$halt | exit() |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
select_category( $name = "parentid", $value = "0", $root = "", $member_publish, $attribute = '', $parent_disabled = true, $disabled = true, $modelid) : string
获取栏目的select select_category('catid', $catid, '内容分类', 0, '', true, true, $modelid);
$name | select的名称 |
$value | 选中的id,用于修改 |
$root | 顶级分类名称 |
$member_publish | 是否仅显示投稿栏目 |
$attribute | 外加属性 |
$parent_disabled | 是否禁父级栏目 |
$disabled | 是否禁单页和外部链接 |
$modelid | modelid |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
setcache( $name, $data, $timeout) : integer
$name | 缓存名称 |
$data | 缓存数据 |
$timeout | 过期时间 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
showmsg(string $msg, string $gourl = '', integer $limittime = 3) : void
string | $msg | 消息提示信息 |
string | $gourl | 跳转地址,stop为停止 |
integer | $limittime | 限制时间 |
package |
Default |
showselectrole(string $roleid = '', $selname = 'roleid') : \string.
角色 显示树形下拉框.
string | $roleid | 选中id. |
$selname |
package |
Default |
showselectusergroup( $groupid = '', $selname = 'groupid') : \string.
用户组 显示树形下拉框.
$groupid | ||
$selname |
package |
Default |
showsitemodel( $modelid = '', $selname = 'modelid', $change = false) : \string.
内容模型 显示树形下拉框.
$modelid | ||
$selname | ||
$change |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
smarty_block_hits( $params, $content, $smarty, $repeat)
$params | ||
$content | ||
$smarty | ||
$repeat |
package |
Default |
smarty_block_textformat(array $params, string $content, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template, $repeat) : string
Smarty {textformat}{/textformat} block plugin Type: block function<br> Name: textformat<br> Purpose: format text a certain way with preset styles or custom wrap/indent settings<br> Params: <pre> - style - string (email) - indent - integer (0) - wrap - integer (80) - wrap_char - string ("\n") - indent_char - string (" ") - wrap_boundary - boolean (true) </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
string | $content | contents of the block |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
$repeat |
content re-formatted
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_counter(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string|null
Smarty {counter} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: counter<br> Purpose: print out a counter value
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_cycle(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string|null
Smarty {cycle} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: cycle<br> Date: May 3, 2002<br> Purpose: cycle through given values<br> Params: <pre> - name - name of cycle (optional) - values - comma separated list of values to cycle, or an array of values to cycle (this can be left out for subsequent calls) - reset - boolean - resets given var to true - print - boolean - print var or not. default is true - advance - boolean - whether or not to advance the cycle - delimiter - the value delimiter, default is "," - assign - boolean, assigns to template var instead of printed.
{cycle values="#eeeeee,#d0d0d0d"} {cycle name=row values="one,two,three" reset=true} {cycle name=row}
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt credit to Mark Priatel credit to Gerard credit to Jason Sweat |
version | 1.3 |
smarty_function_escape_special_chars(string $string) : string
escape_special_chars common function Function: smarty_function_escape_special_chars<br> Purpose: used by other smarty functions to escape special chars except for already escaped ones
string | $string | text that should by escaped |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_fetch(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string|null
Smarty {fetch} plugin Type: function<br> Name: fetch<br> Purpose: fetch file, web or ftp data and display results
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
if the assign parameter is passed, Smarty assigns the result to a template variable
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_html_checkboxes(array $params, object $template) : string
Smarty {html_checkboxes} function plugin File: function.html_checkboxes.php<br> Type: function<br> Name: html_checkboxes<br> Date: 24.Feb.2003<br> Purpose: Prints out a list of checkbox input types<br> Examples: <pre> {html_checkboxes values=$ids output=$names} {html_checkboxes values=$ids name='box' separator='<br>' output=$names} {html_checkboxes values=$ids checked=$checked separator='<br>' output=$names} </pre> Params: <pre> - name (optional) - string default "checkbox" - values (required) - array - options (optional) - associative array - checked (optional) - array default not set - separator (optional) - ie <br> or - output (optional) - the output next to each checkbox - assign (optional) - assign the output as an array to this variable - escape (optional) - escape the content (not value), defaults to true </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
object | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Christopher Kvarme credits to Monte Ohrt |
version | 1.0 |
smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output( $name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels, $label_ids, $escape = true)
$name | ||
$value | ||
$output | ||
$selected | ||
$extra | ||
$separator | ||
$labels | ||
$label_ids | ||
$escape |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_function_html_image(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string
Smarty {html_image} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: html_image<br> Date: Feb 24, 2003<br> Purpose: format HTML tags for the image<br> Examples: {html_image file="/images/masthead.gif"}<br> Output: <img src="/images/masthead.gif" width=400 height=23><br> Params: <pre> - file - (required) - file (and path) of image - height - (optional) - image height (default actual height) - width - (optional) - image width (default actual width) - basedir - (optional) - base directory for absolute paths, default is environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT - path_prefix - prefix for path output (optional, default empty) </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt credits to Duda |
version | 1.0 |
smarty_function_html_options(array $params) : string
Smarty {html_options} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: html_options<br> Purpose: Prints the list of <option> tags generated from the passed parameters<br> Params: <pre> - name (optional) - string default "select" - values (required) - if no options supplied) - array - options (required) - if no values supplied) - associative array - selected (optional) - string default not set - output (required) - if not options supplied) - array - id (optional) - string default not set - class (optional) - string default not set </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt Ralf Strehle (minor optimization) |
smarty_function_html_options_optgroup( $key, $values, $selected, $id, $class, $idx)
$key | ||
$values | ||
$selected | ||
$id | ||
$class | ||
$idx |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_function_html_options_optoutput( $key, $value, $selected, $id, $class, $idx)
$key | ||
$value | ||
$selected | ||
$id | ||
$class | ||
$idx |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_function_html_radios(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string
Smarty {html_radios} function plugin File: function.html_radios.php<br> Type: function<br> Name: html_radios<br> Date: 24.Feb.2003<br> Purpose: Prints out a list of radio input types<br> Params: <pre> - name (optional) - string default "radio" - values (required) - array - options (required) - associative array - checked (optional) - array default not set - separator (optional) - ie <br> or - output (optional) - the output next to each radio button - assign (optional) - assign the output as an array to this variable - escape (optional) - escape the content (not value), defaults to true </pre> Examples: <pre> {html_radios values=$ids output=$names} {html_radios values=$ids name='box' separator='<br>' output=$names} {html_radios values=$ids checked=$checked separator='<br>' output=$names} </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Christopher Kvarme credits to Monte Ohrt |
version | 1.0 |
smarty_function_html_radios_output( $name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels, $label_ids, $escape)
$name | ||
$value | ||
$output | ||
$selected | ||
$extra | ||
$separator | ||
$labels | ||
$label_ids | ||
$escape |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_function_html_select_date(array $params) : string
Smarty {html_select_date} plugin Type: function<br> Name: html_select_date<br> Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for date selection.
- 1.0 initial release - 1.1 added support for +/- N syntax for begin and end year values. (Monte) - 1.2 added support for yyyy-mm-dd syntax for time value. (Jan Rosier) - 1.3 added support for choosing format for month values (Gary Loescher) - 1.3.1 added support for choosing format for day values (Marcus Bointon) - 1.3.2 support negative timestamps, force year dropdown to include given date unless explicitly set (Monte) - 1.3.4 fix behaviour of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 dates to match that of 0000-00-00 dates (cybot, boots) - 2.0 complete rewrite for performance, added attributes month_names, *_id
array | $params | parameters |
package |
Smarty |
version | 2.0 |
author |
Andrei Zmievski Monte Ohrt Rodney Rehm |
smarty_function_html_select_time(array $params) : string
Smarty {html_select_time} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: html_select_time<br> Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for time selection
array | $params | parameters |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Roberto Berto Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_html_table(array $params) : string
Smarty {html_table} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: html_table<br> Date: Feb 17, 2003<br> Purpose: make an html table from an array of data<br> Params: <pre> - loop - array to loop through - cols - number of columns, comma separated list of column names or array of column names - rows - number of rows - table_attr - table attributes - th_attr - table heading attributes (arrays are cycled) - tr_attr - table row attributes (arrays are cycled) - td_attr - table cell attributes (arrays are cycled) - trailpad - value to pad trailing cells with - caption - text for caption element - vdir - vertical direction (default: "down", means top-to-bottom) - hdir - horizontal direction (default: "right", means left-to-right) - inner - inner loop (default "cols": print $loop line by line, $loop will be printed column by column otherwise) </pre> Examples: <pre> {table loop=$data} {table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr='"bgcolor=red"'} {table loop=$data cols="first,second,third" tr_attr=$colors} </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt credit to Messju Mohr credit to boots |
version | 1.1 |
smarty_function_html_table_cycle( $name, $var, $no)
$name | ||
$var | ||
$no |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_function_include_file( $params, $smarty)
引入模板文件 function.include_file.php Author: 勾国印 ( Date: 2015年11月2日 下午3:58:56
$params | ||
$smarty |
package |
Default |
smarty_function_mailto(array $params) : string
Smarty {mailto} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: mailto<br> Date: May 21, 2002 Purpose: automate mailto address link creation, and optionally encode them.<br> Params: <pre> - address - (required) - e-mail address - text - (optional) - text to display, default is address - encode - (optional) - can be one of: * none : no encoding (default) * javascript : encode with javascript * javascript_charcode : encode with javascript charcode * hex : encode with hexidecimal (no javascript) - cc - (optional) - address(es) to carbon copy - bcc - (optional) - address(es) to blind carbon copy - subject - (optional) - e-mail subject - newsgroups - (optional) - newsgroup(s) to post to - followupto - (optional) - address(es) to follow up to - extra - (optional) - extra tags for the href link </pre> Examples: <pre> {mailto address=""} {mailto address="" encode="javascript"} {mailto address="" encode="hex"} {mailto address="" subject="Hello to you!"} {mailto address="" cc=","} {mailto address="" extra='class="mailto"'} </pre>
array | $params | parameters |
package |
Smarty |
version | 1.2 |
author |
Monte Ohrt credits to Jason Sweat (added cc, bcc and subject functionality) |
smarty_function_math(array $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string|null
Smarty {math} function plugin Type: function<br> Name: math<br> Purpose: handle math computations in template
array | $params | parameters |
\Smarty_Internal_Template | $template | template object |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_function_SITE_URL( $params, $smarty)
静态资源路径 function.STATIC_PATH.php Author: 勾国印 ( Date: 2015年11月2日 下午3:58:56
$params | ||
$smarty |
package |
Default |
smarty_function_STATIC_URL( $params, $smarty)
静态资源路径 function.STATIC_PATH.php Author: 勾国印 ( Date: 2015年11月2日 下午3:58:56
$params | ||
$smarty |
package |
Default |
smarty_literal_compiler_param(array $params, integer $index, mixed $default = null) : mixed
evaluate compiler parameter
array | $params | parameter array as given to the compiler function |
integer | $index | array index of the parameter to convert |
mixed | $default | value to be returned if the parameter is not present |
if parameter is not a literal (but an expression, variable, …)
evaluated value of parameter or $default
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_make_timestamp(\DateTime|integer|string $string) : integer
Function: smarty_make_timestamp<br> Purpose: used by other smarty functions to make a timestamp from a string.
\DateTime|integer|string | $string | date object, timestamp or string that can be converted using strtotime() |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_mb_from_unicode(integer|array $unicode, string $encoding = null) : string
convert unicodes to the character of given encoding
integer|array | $unicode | single unicode or list of unicodes to convert |
string | $encoding | encoding of returned string, if null mb_internal_encoding() is used |
unicode as character sequence in given $encoding
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_mb_str_replace(string $search, string $replace, string $subject, $count) : string
Multibyte string replace
string | $search | the string to be searched |
string | $replace | the replacement string |
string | $subject | the source string |
$count |
replaced string
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_mb_to_unicode(string $string, string $encoding = null) : array
convert characters to their decimal unicode equivalents
string | $string | characters to calculate unicode of |
string | $encoding | encoding of $string, if null mb_internal_encoding() is used |
sequence of unicodes
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_mb_wordwrap(string $str, integer $width = 75, string $break = "\n", boolean $cut = false) : string
Wrap a string to a given number of characters
string | $str | the string to wrap |
integer | $width | the width of the output |
string | $break | the character used to break the line |
boolean | $cut | ignored parameter, just for the sake of |
wrapped string
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
package |
Smarty |
package |
Smarty |
package |
Smarty |
package |
Smarty |
smarty_modifier_capitalize(string $string, boolean $uc_digits = false, boolean $lc_rest = false) : string
Smarty capitalize modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: capitalize<br> Purpose: capitalize words in the string {@internal {$string|capitalize:true:true} is the fastest option for MBString enabled systems }}
string | $string | string to capitalize |
boolean | $uc_digits | also capitalize "x123" to "X123" |
boolean | $lc_rest | capitalize first letters, lowercase all following letters "aAa" to "Aaa" |
capitalized string
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt Rodney Rehm |
smarty_modifier_date_format(string $string, string $format = null, string $default_date = '', string $formatter = 'auto') : string
Smarty date_format modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: date_format<br> Purpose: format datestamps via strftime<br> Input:<br> - string: input date string - format: strftime format for output - default_date: default date if $string is empty
string | $string | input date string |
string | $format | strftime format for output |
string | $default_date | default date if $string is empty |
string | $formatter | either 'strftime' or 'auto' |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifier_debug_print_var(array|object $var, integer $max = 10, integer $length = 40, integer $depth, array $objects = array()) : string
Smarty debug_print_var modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: debug_print_var<br> Purpose: formats variable contents for display in the console
array|object | $var | variable to be formatted |
integer | $max | maximum recursion depth if $var is an array or object |
integer | $length | maximum string length if $var is a string |
integer | $depth | actual recursion depth |
array | $objects | processed objects in actual depth to prevent recursive object processing |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifier_escape(string $string, string $esc_type = 'html', string $char_set = null, boolean $double_encode = true) : string
Smarty escape modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: escape<br> Purpose: escape string for output
string | $string | input string |
string | $esc_type | escape type |
string | $char_set | character set, used for htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() |
boolean | $double_encode | encode already encoded entitites again, used for htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() |
escaped input string
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifier_regex_replace(string $string, string|array $search, string|array $replace, integer $limit = -1) : string
Smarty regex_replace modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: regex_replace<br> Purpose: regular expression search/replace
string | $string | input string |
string|array | $search | regular expression(s) to search for |
string|array | $replace | string(s) that should be replaced |
integer | $limit | the maximum number of replacements |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifier_replace(string $string, string $search, string $replace) : string
Smarty replace modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: replace<br> Purpose: simple search/replace
string | $string | input string |
string | $search | text to search for |
string | $replace | replacement text |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifier_spacify(string $string, string $spacify_char = ' ') : string
Smarty spacify modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: spacify<br> Purpose: add spaces between characters in a string
string | $string | input string |
string | $spacify_char | string to insert between characters. |
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifier_truncate(string $string, integer $length = 80, string $etc = '...', boolean $break_words = false, boolean $middle = false) : string
Smarty truncate modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: truncate<br> Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary, optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and appending the $etc string or inserting $etc into the middle.
string | $string | input string |
integer | $length | length of truncated text |
string | $etc | end string |
boolean | $break_words | truncate at word boundary |
boolean | $middle | truncate in the middle of text |
truncated string
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt |
smarty_modifiercompiler_cat(array $params) : string
Smarty cat modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: cat<br> Date: Feb 24, 2003<br> Purpose: catenate a value to a variable<br> Input: string to catenate<br> Example: {$var|cat:"foo"}
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_characters(array $params) : string
Smarty count_characters modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: count_characteres<br> Purpose: count the number of characters in a text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_paragraphs(array $params) : string
Smarty count_paragraphs modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: count_paragraphs<br> Purpose: count the number of paragraphs in a text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_sentences(array $params) : string
Smarty count_sentences modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: count_sentences Purpose: count the number of sentences in a text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_words(array $params) : string
Smarty count_words modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: count_words<br> Purpose: count the number of words in a text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_default(array $params) : string
Smarty default modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: default<br> Purpose: designate default value for empty variables
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_escape(array $params, $compiler) : string
Smarty escape modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: escape<br> Purpose: escape string for output
array | $params | parameters |
$compiler |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_modifiercompiler_from_charset(array $params) : string
Smarty from_charset modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: from_charset<br> Purpose: convert character encoding from $charset to internal encoding
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_modifiercompiler_indent(array $params) : string
Smarty indent modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: indent<br> Purpose: indent lines of text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_lower(array $params) : string
Smarty lower modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: lower<br> Purpose: convert string to lowercase
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Monte Ohrt Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_noprint() : string
Smarty noprint modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: noprint<br> Purpose: return an empty string
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_string_format(array $params) : string
Smarty string_format modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: string_format<br> Purpose: format strings via sprintf
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_strip(array $params) : string
Smarty strip modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: strip<br> Purpose: Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs with a single space or supplied replacement string.<br> Example: {$var|strip} {$var|strip:" "}<br> Date: September 25th, 2002
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_strip_tags(array $params) : string
Smarty strip_tags modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: strip_tags<br> Purpose: strip html tags from text
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_to_charset(array $params) : string
Smarty to_charset modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: to_charset<br> Purpose: convert character encoding from internal encoding to $charset
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_modifiercompiler_unescape(array $params) : string
Smarty unescape modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: unescape<br> Purpose: unescape html entities
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
smarty_modifiercompiler_upper(array $params) : string
Smarty upper modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: lower<br> Purpose: convert string to uppercase
array | $params | parameters |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_modifiercompiler_wordwrap(array $params, $compiler) : string
Smarty wordwrap modifier plugin Type: modifier<br> Name: wordwrap<br> Purpose: wrap a string of text at a given length
array | $params | parameters |
$compiler |
with compiled code
package |
Smarty |
author |
Uwe Tews |
smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace(string $source) : string
Smarty trimwhitespace outputfilter plugin Trim unnecessary whitespace from HTML markup.
string | $source | input string |
filtered output
package |
Smarty |
author |
Rodney Rehm |
todo |
substr_replace() is not overloaded by mbstring.func_overload - so this function might fail! |
smarty_variablefilter_htmlspecialchars(string $source) : string
Smarty htmlspecialchars variablefilter plugin
string | $source | input string |
filtered output
package |
Smarty |
package |
Default |
strexists( $string, $find) : boolean
$string | ||
$find |
package |
Default |
string2array(string $data) : array
string | $data | 字符串 |
package |
Default |
stripPKSC7Padding(string $source) : string
string | $source |
package |
Default |
template( $template = 'index', $module = '') : \unknown_type
$template | public/header |
$module |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
thumb( $imgurl, $width = 300, $height = 200, $autocut, $smallpic = 'nopic.jpg') : string
$imgurl | 图片路径 |
$width | 缩略图宽度 |
$height | 缩略图高度 |
$autocut | 是否自动裁剪 默认不裁剪,当高度或宽度有一个数值为0时,自动关闭 |
$smallpic | 无图片是默认图片路径 |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
update_status( $url, $table_name, $id_name, $id_value, $field, $status)
更新状态 1开启
$url | ||
$table_name | ||
$id_name | ||
$id_value | ||
$field | ||
$status |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |