$objMap : integer
Valid for Smarty and template object
Smarty Method GetAutoloadFilters
Smarty::getAutoloadFilters() method
setAutoloadFilters(\Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase|\Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty $obj, array $filters, string $type = null) : \Smarty|\Smarty_Internal_Template
Set autoload filters
\Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase|\Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty | $obj | |
array | $filters | filters to load automatically |
string | $type | "pre", "output", … specify the filter type to set. Defaults to none treating $filters' keys as the appropriate types |
getAutoloadFilters(\Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase|\Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty $obj, string $type = null) : array
Get autoload filters
\Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase|\Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty | $obj | |
string | $type | type of filter to get auto loads for. Defaults to all autoload filters |
array( 'type1' => array( 'filter1', 'filter2', … ) ) or array( 'filter1', 'filter2', …) if $type was specified