ExcelToPHP(\long $dateValue, boolean $adjustToTimezone = FALSE, string $timezone = NULL) : \long
Convert a date from Excel to PHP
\long | $dateValue | Excel date/time value |
boolean | $adjustToTimezone | Flag indicating whether $dateValue should be treated as a UST timestamp, or adjusted to UST |
string | $timezone | The timezone for finding the adjustment from UST |
PHP serialized date/time
PHPToExcel(mixed $dateValue, boolean $adjustToTimezone = FALSE, string $timezone = NULL) : mixed
Convert a date from PHP to Excel
mixed | $dateValue | PHP serialized date/time or date object |
boolean | $adjustToTimezone | Flag indicating whether $dateValue should be treated as a UST timestamp, or adjusted to UST |
string | $timezone | The timezone for finding the adjustment from UST |
Excel date/time value or boolean FALSE on failure
isDateTime(\PHPExcel_Cell $pCell) : boolean
Is a given cell a date/time?
\PHPExcel_Cell | $pCell |
isDateTimeFormat(\PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat $pFormat) : boolean
Is a given number format a date/time?
\PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat | $pFormat |