APP_DEBUG = false
Cocur |
Microsoft |
PhpDotNet |
System |
AES128CBC | AES-128-CBC |
App | |
App | |
Arguments | 这个模块是为了统一查询参数的获取方式而设定的 |
ArrayList | A dynamics array object. Implements the System.Collections.IList interface using an array whose size is dynamically increased as required.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
c | |
Collection | |
CommandLine | |
CommandLineParser | 命令行字符串解析器模块 |
console | 用户调试记录器 这个模块所记录的值会在调试器视图的Console页面上面显示出来 |
Conversion | 模拟VisualBasic之中的一些简单的数据类型转换关键词 |
CURLExtensions | |
DataURI | |
DbPaging | 数据库查询数据分页帮助工具 |
debugView | 调试器的输出视图引擎 必须要为web应用程序定义一个访问控制器,这个调试器才可以正常工作 |
Dictionary | Represents a collection of keys and values.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
dotnet | dotnet package manager, you must include this module at first. |
dotnetDebugger | |
dotnetException | |
DotNetRegistry | 框架的配置文件的键名列表 |
Enumerable | Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for querying objects that implement IEnumerable<T>. |
File | Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of a single file, and aids in the creation of System.IO.FileStream objects.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
FileSystem | Provides properties and methods for working with drives, files, and directories in VisualBasic. |
ICollection | Defines size, enumerators, and synchronization methods for all nongeneric collections. |
IEnumerator | Supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection. And Provides a set of static (Shared in ``Visual Basic``) methods for querying objects that implement ``System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>``. |
IndexOf | |
Interaction | |
LogEntry | |
LogFile | |
LogicalExpression | 逻辑表达式的模型 |
MSDN | |
Path | |
PushServer | |
Queue | Represents a first-in, first-out collection of objects. |
Regex | Represents an immutable regular expression.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
REST | |
Restrictions | 对某一个服务器资源进行用户访问量的限制 |
RFC7231Error | Custom error page supports |
Router | REST api handler |
ScriptBuilder | 在StringBuilder的基础之上增加了更加方便的字符串替换方法 |
Serialization | 这个模块之中提供了JSON以及XML序列化和反序列化这两种操作的简写 |
SqlFormatter | SQL Formatter is a collection of utilities for debugging SQL queries. |
Stack | Represents a variable size last-in-first-out (LIFO) collection of instances of the same specified type. |
StackFrame | |
StackTrace | Represents a stack trace, which is an ordered collection of one or more stack frames. |
StringBuilder | Represents a mutable string of characters. |
StringHelpers | String helper extensions |
Table | WebApp data model. |
taskhost | 定时任务的宿主进程 |
test | |
Ubench | |
URL | URL帮助类 |
User | |
Utils | PHP WEB programming utils from php.NET framework |
Websocket | |
WsAppHandler | |
XmlParser | Xml file handler |
ZipLib |
andalso( $a, $b = null) : \LogicalExpression
$a | ||
$b |
exor( $a, $b = null) : \LogicalExpression
$a | ||
$b |
month(boolean $textual = false) : string
Get current month value
Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros, by default.
boolean | $textual | A short textual representation of a month, three letters, example as: Jan through Dec. |
** File not found : 01 **
orelse( $a, $b = null) : \LogicalExpression
$a | ||
$b |