bom_match(\League\Csv\string $str)
Returns the BOM sequence found at the start of the string.
If no valid BOM sequence is found an empty string is returned
\League\Csv\string | $str |
Polyfill |
ByteSequence | Defines constants for common BOM sequences. |
AbstractCsv | An abstract class to enable CSV document loading. |
CannotInsertRecord | Thrown when a data is not added to the Csv Document. |
CharsetConverter | Converts resource stream or tabular data content charset. |
ColumnConsistency | Validates column consistency when inserting records into a CSV document. |
EncloseField | A stream filter to improve enclosure character usage. |
EscapeFormula | A Formatter to tackle CSV Formula Injection. |
Exception | League Csv Base Exception. |
HTMLConverter | Converts tabular data into an HTML Table string. |
InvalidArgument | InvalidArgument Exception. |
Reader | A class to parse and read records from a CSV document. |
ResultSet | Represents the result set of a {@link Reader} processed by a {@link Statement}. |
RFC4180Field | A stream filter to conform the CSV field to RFC4180. |
Statement | Criteria to filter a {@link Reader} object. |
Stream | An object oriented API to handle a PHP stream resource. |
SyntaxError | SyntaxError Exception. |
UnavailableFeature | StreamFilterSupportMissing Exception. |
Writer | A class to insert records into a CSV Document. |
XMLConverter | Converts tabular data into a DOMDOcument object. |
delimiter_detect(\League\Csv\Reader $csv, array<mixed,string> $delimiters, \League\Csv\int $limit = 1) : array<mixed,integer>
Detect Delimiters usage in a {@link Reader} object.
Returns a associative array where each key represents a submitted delimiter and each value the number CSV fields found when processing at most $limit CSV records with the given delimiter
\League\Csv\Reader | $csv | |
array<mixed,string> | $delimiters | |
\League\Csv\int | $limit |