$returnByRef :
$returnType : string|\PhpParser\Node\Name|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType|null
addParam(\PhpParser\Node\Param|\PhpParser\Builder\Param $param) : $this
Adds a parameter.
\PhpParser\Node\Param|\PhpParser\Builder\Param | $param | The parameter to add |
The builder instance (for fluid interface)
setReturnType(string|\PhpParser\Node\Name|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType $type) : $this
Sets the return type for PHP 7.
string|\PhpParser\Node\Name|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType | $type | One of array, callable, string, int, float, bool, iterable, or a class/interface name. |
The builder instance (for fluid interface)
addStmt(\PhpParser\Node|\PhpParser\Builder $stmt) : $this
Adds a statement.
\PhpParser\Node|\PhpParser\Builder | $stmt | The statement to add |
The builder instance (for fluid interface)
setDocComment(\PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment) : $this
Sets doc comment for the declaration.
\PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string | $docComment | Doc comment to set |
The builder instance (for fluid interface)
getNode() : \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod
Returns the built method node.
The built method node
normalizeNode(\PhpParser\Node|\PhpParser\Builder $node) : \PhpParser\Node
Normalizes a node: Converts builder objects to nodes.
\PhpParser\Node|\PhpParser\Builder | $node | The node to normalize |
The normalized node
normalizeName(\PhpParser\Node\Name|string $name) : \PhpParser\Node\Name
Normalizes a name: Converts plain string names to PhpParser\Node\Name.
\PhpParser\Node\Name|string | $name | The name to normalize |
The normalized name
normalizeType(\PhpParser\Node\Name|string|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType $type) : \PhpParser\Node\Name|string|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType
Normalizes a type: Converts plain-text type names into proper AST representation.
In particular, builtin types are left as strings, custom types become Names and nullables are wrapped in NullableType nodes.
\PhpParser\Node\Name|string|\PhpParser\Node\NullableType | $type | The type to normalize |
The normalized type
normalizeValue(mixed $value) : \PhpParser\Node\Expr
Normalizes a value: Converts nulls, booleans, integers, floats, strings and arrays into their respective nodes
mixed | $value | The value to normalize |
The normalized value
normalizeDocComment(\PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string $docComment) : \PhpParser\Comment\Doc
Normalizes a doc comment: Converts plain strings to PhpParser\Comment\Doc.
\PhpParser\Comment\Doc|string | $docComment | The doc comment to normalize |
The normalized doc comment