storeContents() storeContents(string $directory, array $contents, boolean $recursive = false) : array Store the contents listing. Parameters string $directory array $contents boolean $recursive Returns array — contents listing
updateObject() updateObject(string $path, array $object, boolean $autosave = false) Update the metadata for an object. Parameters string $path object path array $object object metadata boolean $autosave whether to trigger the autosave routine
listContents() listContents(string $dirname = '', boolean $recursive = false) : array Get the contents listing. Parameters string $dirname boolean $recursive Returns array — contents listing
rename() rename(string $path, string $newpath) Rename a file. Parameters string $path string $newpath
deleteDir() deleteDir(string $dirname) Delete all objects from from a directory. Parameters string $dirname directory path
isComplete() isComplete(string $dirname, boolean $recursive) : boolean Check whether the directory listing of a given directory is complete. Parameters string $dirname boolean $recursive Returns boolean
setComplete() setComplete(string $dirname, boolean $recursive) Set a directory to completely listed. Parameters string $dirname boolean $recursive
cleanContents() cleanContents(array $contents) : array Filter the contents from a listing. Parameters array $contents object listing Returns array — filtered contents
getForStorage() getForStorage() : string Retrieve serialized cache data. Returns string — serialized data
setFromStorage() setFromStorage(string $json) Load from serialized cache data. Parameters string $json
ensureParentDirectories() ensureParentDirectories(string $path) Ensure parent directories of an object. Parameters string $path object path
__construct() __construct(\Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $store, $key = 'flysystem', $expire = null) Parameters \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $store $key $expire
pathIsInDirectory() pathIsInDirectory(string $directory, string $path) : boolean Determines if the path is inside the directory. Parameters string $directory string $path Returns boolean