Curl |
FingersCrossed |
Slack |
SyslogUdp |
HandlerInterface | Interface that all Monolog Handlers must implement |
AbstractHandler | Base Handler class providing the Handler structure |
AbstractHandlerTest | |
AbstractProcessingHandler | Base Handler class providing the Handler structure |
AbstractProcessingHandlerTest | |
AbstractSyslogHandler | Common syslog functionality |
AmqpHandler | Base Handler class providing the Handler structure |
AmqpHandlerTest | |
BrowserConsoleHandler | Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required |
BrowserConsoleHandlerTest | |
BufferHandler | Buffers all records until closing the handler and then pass them as batch. |
BufferHandlerTest | |
ChromePHPHandler | Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension ( |
ChromePHPHandlerTest | |
CouchDBHandler | CouchDB handler |
CouchDBHandlerTest | |
CubeHandler | Logs to Cube. |
DeduplicationHandler | Simple handler wrapper that deduplicates log records across multiple requests |
DeduplicationHandlerTest | |
DoctrineCouchDBHandler | CouchDB handler for Doctrine CouchDB ODM |
DoctrineCouchDBHandlerTest | |
DynamoDbHandler | Amazon DynamoDB handler ( |
DynamoDbHandlerTest | |
ElasticSearchHandler | Elastic Search handler |
ElasticSearchHandlerTest | |
ErrorLogHandler | Stores to PHP error_log() handler. |
ErrorLogHandlerTest | |
ExceptionTestHandler | Used for testing purposes. |
FilterHandler | Simple handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of levels |
FilterHandlerTest | |
FingersCrossedHandler | Buffers all records until a certain level is reached |
FingersCrossedHandlerTest | |
FirePHPHandler | Simple FirePHP Handler (, which uses the Wildfire protocol. |
FirePHPHandlerTest | |
FleepHookHandler | Sends logs to using Webhook integrations |
FleepHookHandlerTest | |
FlowdockHandler | Sends notifications through the Flowdock push API |
FlowdockHandlerTest | |
GelfHandler | Handler to send messages to a Graylog2 ( server |
GelfHandlerLegacyTest | |
GelfHandlerTest | |
GelfMockMessagePublisher | |
GroupHandler | Forwards records to multiple handlers |
GroupHandlerTest | |
HandlerWrapper | This simple wrapper class can be used to extend handlers functionality. |
HandlerWrapperTest | |
HipChatHandler | Sends notifications through the hipchat api to a hipchat room |
HipChatHandlerTest | |
IFTTTHandler | IFTTTHandler uses cURL to trigger IFTTT Maker actions |
LogEntriesHandler | Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen(). |
LogEntriesHandlerTest | |
LogglyHandler | Sends errors to Loggly. |
MailHandler | Base class for all mail handlers |
MailHandlerTest | |
MandrillHandler | MandrillHandler uses cURL to send the emails to the Mandrill API |
MissingExtensionException | Exception can be thrown if an extension for an handler is missing |
MockRavenClient | |
Mongo | |
MongoDBHandler | Logs to a MongoDB database. |
MongoDBHandlerTest | |
NativeMailerHandler | NativeMailerHandler uses the mail() function to send the emails |
NativeMailerHandlerTest | |
NewRelicHandler | Class to record a log on a NewRelic application. |
NewRelicHandlerTest | |
NullHandler | Blackhole |
NullHandlerTest | |
PHPConsoleHandler | Monolog handler for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console" |
PHPConsoleHandlerTest | |
PsrHandler | Proxies log messages to an existing PSR-3 compliant logger. |
PsrHandlerTest | |
PushoverHandler | Sends notifications through the pushover api to mobile phones |
PushoverHandlerTest | Almost all examples (expected header, titles, messages) taken from |
RavenHandler | Handler to send messages to a Sentry ( server using raven-php ( |
RavenHandlerTest | |
RedisHandler | Logs to a Redis key using rpush |
RedisHandlerTest | |
RollbarHandler | Sends errors to Rollbar |
RollbarHandlerTest | |
RotatingFileHandler | Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept. |
RotatingFileHandlerTest | |
SamplingHandler | Sampling handler |
SamplingHandlerTest | |
SlackbotHandler | Sends notifications through Slack's Slackbot |
SlackbotHandlerTest | |
SlackHandler | Sends notifications through Slack API |
SlackHandlerTest | |
SlackWebhookHandler | Sends notifications through Slack Webhooks |
SlackWebhookHandlerTest | |
SocketHandler | Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen(). |
SocketHandlerTest | |
StreamHandler | Stores to any stream resource |
StreamHandlerTest | |
StubNewRelicHandler | Class to record a log on a NewRelic application. |
StubNewRelicHandlerWithoutExtension | Class to record a log on a NewRelic application. |
SwiftMailerHandler | SwiftMailerHandler uses Swift_Mailer to send the emails |
SwiftMailerHandlerTest | |
SyslogHandler | Logs to syslog service. |
SyslogHandlerTest | |
SyslogUdpHandler | A Handler for logging to a remote syslogd server. |
SyslogUdpHandlerTest | |
TestChromePHPHandler | Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension ( |
TestFirePHPHandler | Simple FirePHP Handler (, which uses the Wildfire protocol. |
TestHandler | Used for testing purposes. |
TestHandlerTest | |
UdpSocketTest | |
WhatFailureGroupHandler | Forwards records to multiple handlers suppressing failures of each handler and continuing through to give every handler a chance to succeed. |
WhatFailureGroupHandlerTest | |
ZendMonitorHandler | Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor |
ZendMonitorHandlerTest |