





Binarizer This class hierarchy provides a set of methods to convert luminance data to 1 bit data.
BinaryBitmap This class is the core bitmap class used by ZXing to represent 1 bit data. Reader objects accept a BinaryBitmap and attempt to decode it.
ChecksumException Thrown when a barcode was successfully detected and decoded, but was not returned because its checksum feature failed.
FormatException Thrown when a barcode was successfully detected, but some aspect of the content did not conform to the barcode's format rules. This could have been due to a mis-detection.
GDLuminanceSource This class is used to help decode images from files which arrive as GD Resource It does not support rotation.
IMagickLuminanceSource This class is used to help decode images from files which arrive as GD Resource It does not support rotation.
LuminanceSource The purpose of this class hierarchy is to abstract different bitmap implementations across platforms into a standard interface for requesting greyscale luminance values. The interface only provides immutable methods; therefore crop and rotation create copies. This is to ensure that one Reader does not modify the original luminance source and leave it in an unknown state for other Readers in the chain.
NotFoundException Thrown when a barcode was not found in the image. It might have been partially detected but could not be confirmed.
PlanarYUVLuminanceSource This object extends LuminanceSource around an array of YUV data returned from the camera driver, with the option to crop to a rectangle within the full data. This can be used to exclude superfluous pixels around the perimeter and speed up decoding.
ReaderException The general exception class throw when something goes wrong during decoding of a barcode.
Result <p>Encapsulates the result of decoding a barcode within an image.</p>
ResultPoint <p>Encapsulates a point of interest in an image containing a barcode. Typically, this would be the location of a finder pattern or the corner of the barcode, for example.</p>
RGBLuminanceSource This class is used to help decode images from files which arrive as RGB data from an ARGB pixel array. It does not support rotation.