

DataMask <p>Encapsulates data masks for the data bits in a QR code, per ISO 18004:2006 6.8. Implementations of this class can un-mask a raw BitMatrix. For simplicity, they will unmask the entire BitMatrix, including areas used for finder patterns, timing patterns, etc. These areas should be unused after the point they are unmasked anyway.</p>
DataMask000 000: mask bits for which (x + y) mod 2 == 0
DataMask001 001: mask bits for which x mod 2 == 0
DataMask010 010: mask bits for which y mod 3 == 0
DataMask011 011: mask bits for which (x + y) mod 3 == 0
DataMask100 100: mask bits for which (x/2 + y/3) mod 2 == 0
DataMask101 101: mask bits for which xy mod 2 + xy mod 3 == 0
DataMask110 110: mask bits for which (xy mod 2 + xy mod 3) mod 2 == 0
DataMask111 111: mask bits for which ((x+y)mod 2 + xy mod 3) mod 2 == 0