
Interchange component class describing configuration directives.


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ID of directive.



Type, e.g. 'integer' or 'istring'.



Default value, e.g. 3 or 'DefaultVal'.



HTML description.



Whether or not null is allowed as a value.



Lookup table of allowed scalar values.

e.g. array('allowed' => true). Null if all values are allowed.



List of aliases for the directive.

e.g. array(new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id('Ns', 'Dir'))).



Hash of value aliases, e.g. array('alt' => 'real'). Null if value aliasing is disabled (necessary for non-scalar types).



Version of HTML Purifier the directive was introduced, e.g. '1.3.1'.

Null if the directive has always existed.



ID of directive that supercedes this old directive.

Null if not deprecated.



Version of HTML Purifier this directive was deprecated. Null if not deprecated.



List of external projects this directive depends on, e.g. array('CSSTidy').